OHS Classroom Visit Request Form
We prioritize Title 1 School Visits.
Portland Metro Classroom visits are scheduled Mondays, Tuesday & Fridays.
Salem/Keizer Classroom visits are scheduled Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays.
Primary Contact/Teacher Information
First Name
Last Name
School/Program Information
School Name
District Name
Street Address
Zip Code
Title 1 School?
Please select...
How many classes want a presentation? (maximum 3 per visit)
Approximately how many students are in each class?
Do any teachers hosting the OHS presenter have any classroom pets?
Do you prefer virtual or in-person?
Does your school have any requirements for a guest speaker? (masks, badge, photo ID, etc.)
Please list any special considerations or accommodations that need to be made for your visit.
Select all applicable grade levels.
1st grade
2nd grade
3rd grade
4th grade
5th grade
6th grade
7th grade
8th grade
9th grade
10th grade
11th grade
12th grade
Presentation Preferences
Choose a presentation topic. (See website for full descriptions)
Please select...
All About Oregon Humane Society — Grades K–12
Pet Tales — Grades K–5
Dog Safety I — Grades K–3
Dog Safety II — Grades 4–12
Careers with Animals — Grades 4–12
Working Dogs — Grades 1–5
Kindness and Compassion — Grades 1–5
Companion Animal Superpowers — Grades 4–8
Live Virtual Tour w/Q&A (requires Zoom) — Grades K–8
Other/Custom — Grades K–12
Note: Presentation length is 30–45 minutes.
We prioritize Title 1 School Visits.
Portland Metro Classroom visits are scheduled Mondays, Tuesday & Fridays.
Salem/Keizer Classroom visits are scheduled Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays.
First Choice Date
First Choice Time
Second Choice Date
Second Choice Time
Third Choice Date
Third Choice Time
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